Velvet rivers..and Screaming heads!

I Had a chance to get away from the city for a bit and head up to Kearney ontario with my girlfriend Charlotte, to a fellow photographer Joel smiths family cottage.. it was a blast and nice to relax. I had never done any long exposure water stuff before and it always appealed to me, so this was my chance to fool around and after the weekend of drinks.. sun.. and tubing! we went to a place called Screaming heads in the Midlothian ridge.. the whole weekend was great and we snuck in a couples shot of my G/f and i, as well a wedding and family portrait of joel and his family which i will be posting up shortly. but here are just a few water shots and randoms!


The next one is a shot of me and charlotte.. we didnt have any nice photos so joel grabbed my camera and we collabed on a very cute pic of us.. then i went and abercrombied it in photoshop! .. hahaha


One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    We put these stacks on a 4 wheel dolly and put them into the semi trucks the truck drivers stick this tool in the middle of the crates where they all touch and it keeps it from falling over going over slight slopes or bumps. If anybody knows what its called can you please let me know or give me a link. Truck Chrome stacks

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