E11even:11 ... well.. it Equals 22

 So I have decided to change the name of my business, not because it was a terrible name.. but because it was all around difficult to convey. Saying it and spelling it were always a challenge, and a name is everything... it needs to sound nice, look nice and all around pose no problems when going from word of mouth to writing it down. It has been on the back of my mind every time someone said.. " How do you spell that!?"  So without further ado! 

I feel Equals22 Sounds much nicer, and even though there are various ways of writing it down, all of which are rather simple.  
Which would be your favourite?

  • Equals22
  • Equals Twenty Two
  • =TwentyTwo
  • =22

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9 Responses so far.

  1. I like the first one! Equals22! LOVE IT!

  2. Trevor H says:

    It also clears up the whole Charlie's Tattoo controversy

  3. Unknown says:

    HAHA! yes it does Trevor. :D and Angel thats my favourite as well.

  4. DaveT says:

    I like the spinny logo, kept me amused for the past 5 minutes, site design is nice overall as well.

    Tell us more about what is in the back of your mind!

  5. Unknown says:

    I still have some things to work out and the spinny logo still keeps me amused,lol. now about what else is in the back of the ol'noggin .. its a scary place dave :D

  6. Margaret A says:

    I like the Equal22. :)

  7. Anonymous says:

    call me soon. Chris Macintosh

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cant wait til we meet... I'm 11, but once where together I=22. WOOFKA :)_,"

  9. Anonymous says:

    Steve i want Zanes number, u no why... chris.macintosh@hotmail.com

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