All things Winged.
Went out to a place called San Pedro del Pinatar today, Which happens to be a very important part of spain with its salt lakes and natural wetlands. Today also surprised me with some other winged things when the Spanish military came out during my bird watching :) As the title states this post is dedicated to everything I found that gets airborne.
Unfortunately due to the wetlands being a national park you HAVE to stick to the trails so I couldnt get as close to some of the birds as I wanted and with the Air Force hovering around I listened to the rules, Lol.
Today was a peaceful day filled with nature,nice sights and lots of walking.
The only exciting/scary moment was when out of nowhere I had a quick pain on my left ankle.. I naturally brushed my hand over it thinking it was a fly or mosquito... WRONG! Upon close inspection it was a spider bite........ OH GREAT! I was a little concerned because I didnt see the spider that bit me and the two holes were decent size, but I kept an eye on it for warning signs of it being the not so nice kind of spider... after some time passed my worries had cleared.. Phew!
-- Pudgy little guy :) --
-- We were driving when we spotted this jet --
-- Had to duck behind a bush, well not really but it makes it seem more exciting --
-- These are very common and incredibly fast! --
-- This is an Eagrette that was causing quite a stir with the seagulls --
-- Crouching tiger, Hidden --
-- No idea but nice hat --
The next shots are all of flamingos.. they are only found here in spain. They migrate from Africa but these ones have chosen to stay all year round.. They were nice to see in person, but I would have liked to get a little closer and was surprised how not "pink" they were.
apparently the pink is obtained from the shellfish they eat, evidently there's a different diet there .
Lovely photos as usual, I really should see if I can identify the birds for you but I can't find my Audubon