The Clowes visit Tobermory.
I Generally tend not to write very much in my blog posts, not because I can't or because I have nothing to write about.. Its just not comfortable for me, which seriously needs to change before I head off with Charlie bucket on our overseas travels.
I guess that means just putting my fingers on the keys and typing whats on my brain, which is easier said than done with me but I'm thinking if I just keep doing it, It will become second nature.. or at least fourth,lol.
This trip starts with a last minute decision from my girlfriend and her father to go on a quiet family trip before we head off to Spain. We left St.Catharines and grabbed Charlie's Sister Sam in London,On... then it was all systems go towards Tobermory Ontario. Tobermory is just one of those places that within seconds of arriving you have no say in the matter when it comes to forgetting all of those material things we love so much, but at the same time you dont quite mind when you take in the crisp air.. the friendly environment.. and the breathe taking landscapes. Shortly after we Picked up Sam, I realized this was a great time to snag some candids of the family ( and Boswell the dog ). Over all it was a great trip.. relaxing when we needed to relax.. had a good night of drinking and cold weather.. beautiful turquoise water.. Boswell made a friend named Ginger, we found an amazing beach.. went to the grotto and I even made a timelapse seagull trap that snapped off a few neat shots of those ugly buggers.
Most of, if not all of my images are worked over to my liking, but im just putting these up right off the camera.. no editing :)
Except for these Panorama's :)
(click on either to see full size)
**Not quite sure where he went.. but its good to know he returned**
superb stupendous !!!!!!!!!!!!! look awesome wish i was there:)